Herbal Powders

Herbal Powders
Vacha Root Powder  Acorus Calamus
₹ 345.00
Supports Stomach spasm relaxation Helps to promote relief from acidity & indigestion Supports healthy respiratory functions Externally - supports hair growth & healthy scalp Vekhand / Vacha/ Sweetflag [Botanical name – Acorus Calamus]is a Semi-aquatic strongly aromatic perennial, cultivated in damp marshy places in India & Burma, commonly in Manipur & Naga hills on the edges of lakes & streams. Acorus Calamus has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. Vekhand (roots/rhizomes) has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its aroma makes calamus essential oil valued in the perfume industry. As per Ayurveda Vacha is pungent in taste, hot in potency & helps to suppress vitiated Vata. Ayurveda mentions that Vacha helps for emesis of toxins, clearing out toxins through urine & stools. Traditional uses mentions that Vekhand was routinely administered for flatulency, stomach fullness, abdominal pain and increasing appetite. Nowadays...
Supports Stomach spasm relaxation Helps to promote relief from acidity & indigestion Supports healthy respiratory functions Externally - supports hair...
Vasaka / Vasa Leaves Powder  Adhatoda Vasaka
₹ 279.00 ₹ 295.00
Supports Healthy Respiratory Function & as Bronchodialator Promotes expansion of lung pipes and removal of sticky phlegm Supports as anti-allergic in common cold & skin problems Supports removal of extra pitta (heat) from the body. Adulsa or Vasa or Vasaka (Latin name : Adhatoda Vasica)is an important Herb growing on plains of all India and in the lower Himalayans, up to a range of 1000 meters above sea level. Vasa or Vasaka is also cultivated in other tropical areas in low moisture and dry soils. The leaves, roots and flowers of Adhatoda vasica are used extensively in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years to help to recover from respiratory disorders such as asthma, inflammation in bronchus, cough and other lung & bronchiole disorders. The soothing action of Vasaka helps to reduce irritation in the throat and the expectorant action will help loosen phlegm deposits in the airway & expel...
Supports Healthy Respiratory Function & as Bronchodialator Promotes expansion of lung pipes and removal of sticky phlegm Supports as anti-allergic...
Vidarikand  Powder  Pueraria Tuberosa
₹ 345.00
Promotes muscle mass, strength & weight gain Supports Rejuvenation & healthy libido Supports healthy milk flow in lactating mothers Supports healthy urine formation Vidarikand (in Sanskrit) (Botanical name - Pueraria tuberosa ) belongs to the family of Fabaceae and is a climbing, coiling and trailing vine with large tuberous roots. A fully grown plant measures 5-6 meters in height. The tubers are globose or pot-like, about 25 centimetres (9.8 in) across and the insides are white, starchy and mildly sweet. Vidarikand plant bears flower with blue or bluish purple shade. Vidarikand is popularly known as Indian Kudzu & is mainly found in India, Nepal and Pakistan. Ayurveda in its texts mentions Vidarikand as heavy to digest, helps to increase moisture level of tissues and stickiness of secretions. Ayurveda says Vidarikand is sweet to taste and this taste remains in all stages of digestion. Vidarikand or Indian Kudzu helps to cool...
Promotes muscle mass, strength & weight gain Supports Rejuvenation & healthy libido Supports healthy milk flow in lactating mothers Supports...
Yellow Dock Root Powder  Rumex Crispus
₹ 495.00
Supports as Blood purifier & Tonic It helps to reduce Itching sensation & in resolving chronic skin problems. It helps to reduce inflammation of Nasal passages and respiratory track. Yellow Dock Root (Botanical - Rumex crispus) is quite a common weed which is native to Europe as well as throughout parts of Asia. However Yellow dock is grown as a vegetable in Europe, and it is used as a medicinal herb in Asia. Rumex crispus, is an herb widely used by herbalists as a general health tonic. Yellow dock is used generally for pain and swelling of nasal passages and the respiratory tract, and as a laxative and tonic. Yellow dock is also said to supports immunity to fight bacterial infections & Liver functions in jaundice.It was also used in ancient time as a poultice for common skin disorders and for wounds. It significantly reduced skin inflammation and skin irritation....
Supports as Blood purifier & Tonic It helps to reduce Itching sensation & in resolving chronic skin problems. It helps...
Bixa herbal powders are procured raw, directly from farmers or from forest- tribal areas, processed
hygienically & as per GMP standard and stored in a cool, dry place. Herbal powders are tested in a

scientific way and in a well-equipped modern Lab, managed by highly trained professionals with use
of UV, HPLC. The processed raw materials pass the stringent Quality Control and are packed in
customer friendly Jars with utmost care & sold in reasonable rates.

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