The Doctrine Principle of Ayurveda is “To Treat/Cure the Diseases, prevention of Illness & increase Healthy Life span”. The diet, exercise and the whole way of living is individually recommended according to the constitution, race and climatic conditions. The admission of individual distinctness and individual approach to treatment is one of the unique features of Ayurvedic medicine.
Human body is formed by 5 basic Elements (Panchmahabhuta’s – Space, Air, Fire, Water & Earth), 3 Dosha’s – Vata, Pitta & Kapha, 7 Dhatus (Structures-Tissues)- Rasa (Lymphatic system/Plasma), Rakta (Blood), Mamsa (Muscle), Meda (Fat/Lipids), Majja (Bone marrow, Nervous System), Asti (Bone/skeletal system), Sukra (Genito-urinary system), Agni (Metabolic fire) is in thirteen different forms and carries out the whole metabolism of the body, 3 Mala’s which include pureesh (faeces), Sweda (sweat) and Mutra (urine). All bio-transformations within the body occur through Strotases (body channels) which are the sites for action of agni. These Basic structures perform various physiological actions with help of their respective Organs.
A disturbance in Equilibrium of Above mentioned Basic Structures of Human Body causes illness. The impairment in Body functions due to Structural/Organ defect and Mind-Body relativity defect leads to disturbance in Equilibrium of 3 Doshas which causes Illness.
The principles of treatment are Shodhan (Purificatory), Shaman (palliative and conservative), Nidan parivarjan (avoidance of causative and precipitating factors of disease) and Pathya Vyavastha (do's and don'ts regarding diets lifestyle). Shodhan therapy includes Vamana (medically induced emesis), Virechana (medically induced laxation), Vasti (medicated enema), Nasya (administration of medicines through nose) and Raktmokshan (Blood letting). These therapeutic procedures are collectively known as Panchkarma. Before executing Panchkarma treatment Snehan (olation/Oil massage) and Swedan (getting perspiration) are employed first. Shaman includes use of Herbs/ Minerals and animal products.
The main classical texts for reference of Ayurvedic principles comprise of Charak Samhita, Shusrut Samhita, Astang Hridaya, Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhav Nidan, Kashyap Samhita, Bhavprakash and Bhaisajya Ratnavali etc.
Whatever is natural whether belonging to plants or animals or minerals: all are considered the source of raw material for Ayurvedic medicines. However more than 500 medicinal plant products, 50 minerals and animal products are commonly used.
The history of Ayurveda goes back 5,000 years. Its Treatment mentioned are Time Tested, Authentic & more towards Nature. All the herbs are used naturally and have no side effects if used in dosage as mentioned in Ayurvedic Texts approved by FDA. The herbs have all alkaloids, chemical constitutions in Natural effective Glycosides, which are harmless, long lasting & effective.
Ayurvedic Medicines as such are safe and does not have any adverse or side effects if taken in prescribed dosage even if it is taken for longer duration, as their molecules closely resemble our normal food items. After absorption they do not harm any organs and produce toxic effects. It should be taken as per your Body Prakruti or Constitution (Vata/ Pitta/ Kapha).