
5 Herbal Extracts To Fight Diabetes Several botanical and herbal supplements have been studied as alternative treatments for treating diabetes. Herbal extracts have shown numerous benefits since ages to treat variety of diseases or disorders. Following are the extracts beneficial for maintaining your blood sugar levels. Gymnema Extracts : Gymnema Extract is an herb that is commonly available throughout the year and has benefits that only a few natural products can provide. Neem Extract is considered as a wonder herb...
Moringa powder: the superfood of our body Have you heard of one medicinal plant that cures almost all diseases? Yes, you heard it right. This medicinal plant Moringa is a one-stop solution to lower blood sugar level, reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol and protects against arsenic toxicity. The Indian herb- Moringa Oleifera is high in nutrition and rich in antioxidants. Moringa leaves, seeds, seed oil, roots and drumsticks are all a powerhouse of nutrition and can easily combat malnutrition in infants...
VATA PITTA KAPHA The name “Ayurveda” is derived from two words in Sanskrit, “ayuh” meaning “life” or “longevity” and “veda” meaning “science” or “sacred knowledge.” Ayurveda’s definition therefore roughly translates as “the science of longevity” or “the sacred knowledge of life.” HOW DOES AYURVEDIC MEDICINE WORK? Ayurvedic practitioners use a well-balanced healthy diet, lifestyle changes, stress relief and various herbal remedies to heal all sorts of conditions by helping to bring the body back into balance. The overall belief is...

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