
A native shrub that commonly grows in India, some parts of Africa, and the Middle East, Ashwagandha is known for its multiple health benefits in Ayurveda for decades. It is also called winter cherry, poison gooseberry, or Indian ginseng by its English name and Withania somnifera in botanical terminology.   It bears orange-red fruits and bell-shaped flowers. While all parts of the Ashwagandha plant are used for some or other kind of medicinal treatment, it is the roots of Ashwagandha...
The good ol’ haldi or turmeric powder found in every Indian kitchen is one of the powerful natural products that come with multiple health benefits for your body. This powder is extracted from the roots of a flowering plant called Curcuma longa that belongs to the ginger family. While turmeric is commonly used as a culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal herb since ages as per Ayurveda in India, it has gained popularity across the world only in the last few years. It is...
Giloy is gaining quite a popularity these days for its immunity properties. But, how many of you know about its origin and importance as a medicinal herb in Ayurveda? Let’s tell you in detail.   Origin and Description Giloy is a shrub plant with heart-shaped leaves. In the botanical terminology, it is referred to as Tinospora Cordifolia. But is also commonly known by other names such as Guduchi, Amrita, Ambervel, and heart-leaved moonseed. It is considered a versatile resource for...

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