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Kulinjan Root Powder  Alpinia Galanga
₹ 345.00
Supports healthy Stomach and respiratory functions Supports as antioxidant & natural aphrodisiac Helps to promote sugar control & urine incontinence Supports to control bad breadth & toothache when applied on gums Kulinjan / Mahabharivach / Greater galangal [Botanical Name: Alpinia galangal], a plant in the ginger family, is an herb used in cooking in Southeast Asia. Kulanjan or greater galangal tree is found commonly in South India and Bengal province. The dried rhizome of kulanjan is pulverized to obtain the Powder which is used extensively for several medicinal purposes. Kulanjan herb is highly aromatic that contains very strong spicy flavour. As per Ayurveda Kulanjan is hot in potency which helps to reduce phlegm and clear airways for proper respiration. Kulinjan may help to reduce sore throat and support broncho-dialation, to reduce chest congestion. Ayurveda recommends using greater galangal for oral and voicing problems. Ayurveda says Kulinjan is useful to pacify...
Supports healthy Stomach and respiratory functions Supports as antioxidant & natural aphrodisiac Helps to promote sugar control & urine incontinence...
Licorice root / Mulethi extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 25% Glycyrrhizin
₹ 589.00
Supports Respiratory wellness. Useful as Anti-oxidants and immunity booster. Useful in sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Useful in Acidity & as Mild Laxative. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free ​Licorice Root Extract or Liquorice, is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra herb from which a sweet flavour can be extracted (named Glycyrrhizin) and is commonly called as Jesthimadh or Mulethi. The word licorice is derived (via the Old French licoresse) from the Greek glukurrhiza, meaning "sweet root". Licorice flavours are used as candies or sweeteners, particularly in some European and Middle Eastern countries. Liquorice extracts have a number of medical uses, and they are also used in herbal and folk medications. Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in liquorice as well, including compounds called flavonoids, Glycyrrhizin and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens).Scientific Study conducted suggests that Licorice Extract or Mulethi Extract prevents the breakdown of body's...
Supports Respiratory wellness. Useful as Anti-oxidants and immunity booster. Useful in sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Useful in Acidity...
Mulethi Root Powder | Liquorice Powder
₹ 325.00 ₹ 345.00
Supports Respiratory wellness. Supports as Anti-oxidant and immunity booster. Supports relief from sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Promotes reduction in Hyperacidity & as Mild Laxative. Liquorice, or licorice, is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra herb from which a sweet flavour can be extracted (named Glycyrrhizin) and is commonly called as Jesthimadh or Mulethi. The word liquorice is derived (via the Old French licoresse) from the Greek glukurrhiza, meaning "sweet root". Liquorice flavours are used as candies or sweeteners, particularly in some European and Middle Eastern countries. Liquorice extracts have a number of medical uses, and they are also used in herbal and folk medications. Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in liquorice as well, including compounds called flavonoids, Glycyrrhizin and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). Scientific Study conducted suggests that Licorice or Mulethi Extract prevents the breakdown of body's primary stress-fighting agents, like adrenaline, making these more available...
Supports Respiratory wellness. Supports as Anti-oxidant and immunity booster. Supports relief from sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Promotes reduction...
Pippali Fruit Powder  Piper Longum
₹ 595.00
Supports as Respiratory & Digestive Tonic Promotes removal of inflammation and extra mucous from repsiratory tract. Supports Healthy Digestive & Immune System Supports de-toxification of Liver & Lungs Pippali, Pimpali or Piper Longum (Latin, linn) is an indigenous plant to North- eastern & southern india and Ceylon, cultivated in Eastern Bengal. Pippali is the term applied to the fruit of piper longum. Pippali is a powerful Rejuvenating herb that strengthens and nourishes the body. Piper Longum is useful in various ailments especially of respiratory tract, digestive system, genital system, Skin, Liver & spleen. As per Ayurvedic textual reference Pippali is better for Vitiated Vatta, Kapha of the body & is hot, pungent in quality. From ancient time Pippali Powder when taken with honey is found useful for removing extra phlegm, relieve cough & cold, sore throat & hiccups. Ayurveda also mentions utility of Pippali Powder with Jaggery (twice in quantity)...
Supports as Respiratory & Digestive Tonic Promotes removal of inflammation and extra mucous from repsiratory tract. Supports Healthy Digestive &...
Pippali mool Powder  Piper longum Root
₹ 595.00
Supports Digestive & Respiratory Health Supports healthy Liver functions Supports healthy blood circulation Supports relaxation of tissues & nerves Pippali, Pimpali or Piper Longum (Latin, linn) is an indigenous plant to North- eastern & southern india and Ceylon, cultivated in Eastern Bengal. Pippali is the term applied to the fruit of piper longum and pippali mool to roots of piper longum plant. Pippali Mool has milder effects than Pippali & is available in small cylindrical pieces of nodal and internodal pieces, about 2 mm thick. Ayurveda mentions uses of pippali roots as anti-inflammatory, pain killing, for reducing abdominal gases, as laxative, and expectorant. As per Ayurvedic principle Pippali mool is hot in potency, and used to handle diseases that occur due to vitiation of Vata (air), and Kapha (phlegm) Dosha/humour. In Ayurvedic text it is mentioned that due to hot potency the roots are used in digestive weakness, and promoting respiratory...
Supports Digestive & Respiratory Health Supports healthy Liver functions Supports healthy blood circulation Supports relaxation of tissues & nerves Pippali,...
Vacha Root Powder  Acorus Calamus
₹ 345.00
Supports Stomach spasm relaxation Helps to promote relief from acidity & indigestion Supports healthy respiratory functions Externally - supports hair growth & healthy scalp Vekhand / Vacha/ Sweetflag [Botanical name – Acorus Calamus]is a Semi-aquatic strongly aromatic perennial, cultivated in damp marshy places in India & Burma, commonly in Manipur & Naga hills on the edges of lakes & streams. Acorus Calamus has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. Vekhand (roots/rhizomes) has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its aroma makes calamus essential oil valued in the perfume industry. As per Ayurveda Vacha is pungent in taste, hot in potency & helps to suppress vitiated Vata. Ayurveda mentions that Vacha helps for emesis of toxins, clearing out toxins through urine & stools. Traditional uses mentions that Vekhand was routinely administered for flatulency, stomach fullness, abdominal pain and increasing appetite. Nowadays...
Supports Stomach spasm relaxation Helps to promote relief from acidity & indigestion Supports healthy respiratory functions Externally - supports hair...
Vasaka / Vasa Leaves Powder  Adhatoda Vasaka
₹ 279.00 ₹ 295.00
Supports Healthy Respiratory Function & as Bronchodialator Promotes expansion of lung pipes and removal of sticky phlegm Supports as anti-allergic in common cold & skin problems Supports removal of extra pitta (heat) from the body. Adulsa or Vasa or Vasaka (Latin name : Adhatoda Vasica)is an important Herb growing on plains of all India and in the lower Himalayans, up to a range of 1000 meters above sea level. Vasa or Vasaka is also cultivated in other tropical areas in low moisture and dry soils. The leaves, roots and flowers of Adhatoda vasica are used extensively in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years to help to recover from respiratory disorders such as asthma, inflammation in bronchus, cough and other lung & bronchiole disorders. The soothing action of Vasaka helps to reduce irritation in the throat and the expectorant action will help loosen phlegm deposits in the airway & expel...
Supports Healthy Respiratory Function & as Bronchodialator Promotes expansion of lung pipes and removal of sticky phlegm Supports as anti-allergic...
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