Hair Wellness
₹ 345.00
Supports as natural hair tonic
Promotes new hair growth and preventing hair loss
Promotes scalp health removing dandruff, itching, and scalp irritation
Promotes hair strengthening & prevent breakage
Conditioning properties makes hair soft & smooth
Prevents premature graying
Supports as natural hair tonic Promotes new hair growth and preventing hair loss Promotes scalp health removing dandruff, itching, and scalp...
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Bixa Hair wellness helps to prevent uncontrolled hair loss, detoxify & strengthen hair follicles and
provide natural glow. Hair follicles are nourished by use of natural proteins and minerals like calcium
from healthy food. Ayurveda mentions use hibiscus, bhringaraj, calamus, methi as herbs for
betterment of hairs and regular coconut oil massage over scalp.
provide natural glow. Hair follicles are nourished by use of natural proteins and minerals like calcium
from healthy food. Ayurveda mentions use hibiscus, bhringaraj, calamus, methi as herbs for
betterment of hairs and regular coconut oil massage over scalp.