
You need a sound, uninterrupted sleep of about 6-8 hours every night for your well-being. However, if you are facing sleep issues or disorders, you are not the only one. Did you know that 62% of adults around the world feel that they have difficulty sleeping well when they retire to bed? From stress, anxiety or other medical conditions to bright lights in the room and poor sleep habits, there are various reasons why your sleep quality might be getting affected.  ...
Sugar or blood glucose as it is commonly known as the main source of energy for the human body. While your body needs sugar to function properly, the excess of it could lead to health problems such as diabetes and increases the risk of associated diseases such as obesity, blood pressure, etc. Both low or high blood sugar adversely impact your health. Hence, it is important to maintain normal blood sugar levels.   If you are already suffering from diabetes,...
Andrographis, popularly known as Kalmegh, is used in Ayurveda to improve the immune system. It is quite bitter due to which it is also monikered as ‘King of Bitters’. Andrographis Extract is made from leaves and roots of its plant known by the same name. This plant is naturally found in the wild habitats of tropical countries like India and Sri Lanka. However, many other Asian countries also cultivate it as a farming practice due to its rich medicinal benefits....

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